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Recommendation 13   (Support)

That Policy 3.I.01—1. and 2. be amended to include the following:

3.I.01—That the BCTF foster effective teaching and learning conditions throughout the province.

Those conditions should provide:

1. For each student:

a. A learning environment free from bullying, violence, discrimination, and harassment.

2. For each teacher:

b. A working environment free from bullying, violence, discrimination, and harassment.

Provides clarity and improvement.

That Policy 3.J.01—3.9 be amended as follows: 3.9 The classroom teacher, in collaboration with the school-based team and/or other specialist teachers assigned to provide support services to students, shall have the right to determine the placement of, resources for, and support services necessary to the needs of students with special needs and/or diverse learning and other students in the class. (see also Policy 9.A.21 (4)


Recommendation 15  (Support)

That Policy 3.J.01—5. and 5.1 be amended as follows: 5. Professional teaching Staff formula minimum allocations 5.1 That the following be a Basic Staffing Formula: a. for the first 80 students, one teacher for each 10 students or fraction thereof. b. for each 15 students or fraction thereof over 80, one additional teacher. c. for the purposes of this formula, school teaching staff shall include classroom teachers, teacher librarians, teachers delivering preparation time, counsellors, and learning assistance teachers. , and other specialist teachers. Additional specialists and specialist teachers may be necessary depending on the needs of students.

Reflects practice

Recommendation 16  (Likely Support)

That Policy 3.J.01—7.2, 7.3, and 7.8 be amended as follows:

7.2 Maximum sizes for regularly scheduled classes shall be: Kindergarten 15 students Multi-graded Primary class 15 students Primary single grade class (Grades 1-3) 20 students Intermediate classes of 2 grades 22 students Intermediate classes of 3 grades 17 students Intermediate classes of 4 grades 15 students Special class (including ESL) less than 10 students All second language courses and Secondary Humanities classes (English & Socials) 23 students Any other class (4-12) 25 students Any other split class (4-12) 22 students Shops and laboratories 20 students “Regularly scheduled classes” include alternate programs, online learning, distance education, and adult education classes and/or caseloads. The equivalence shall be determined through analysis of the particular circumstances by the teacher and the union.

7.3 The purpose of inclusion of students with special diverse needs into regular classes is to provide a positive educational experience for students with special needs and the other students in the class give students equitable access to education in the least restrictive environment. Classes shall be smaller than the sizes stated in 7.2 when they include a high proportion of students with learning disabilities, diverse learning, behavioural, emotional or health needs, or with a broad range of student ages, grade levels, or achievement levels. 7.8 Qualified teacher-counsellors shall be provided at a minimum of one teacher-counsellor for each 250 students, with at least one qualified teacher-counsellor per school.

The term special needs is still in active use.  I have not heard any parents I support with students with special needs asking that I refer to them as students with diverse needs.  I do believe we can be leaders in setting the language for society.  The supporting statement specifies'

 reflect current language in inclusive education; however, that is not what is used in our district yet.


Recommendation 17    (Support)

That Policy 3.J.01—9.3, .6, .7, and .10 be amended as follows:

9.3 The number of students in a laboratory, shop or other specialized classroom shall not exceed the number for which the facilities were originally designed, or class-size limits as described in 3.I.17 ( or appropriate sections).

9.6 Students new to a school will not be in attendance until a background check has ascertained that the student poses no risk of violence or until a safety plan has been written and communicated to all staff and adequate resources and training are in place to eliminate or minimize the risk of violence.

9.7 Districts will have a system to track incidents of violence and/or threats of violence committed by students and parents/guardians, and this history will be communicated securely to all staff who are likely to have contact with the student and/or parent/guardian.

9.10 Members will have the appropriate ergonomic conditions and equipment that are appropriate for the required work and individual needs.

Clarifying language

Recommendation 18  (Likely Support)


That Policy 3.J.01—4.1, .2 , .3, .4, .5 and .7 be amended as follows:

4. Rights and responsibilities of students

The BCTF recognizes and supports the following rights and responsibilities of students:

4.1 The right to enjoy freedom of speech, due process and freedom from any form of abuse, discrimination or harassment and the responsibility to be aware and considerate of the rights of others.

4.2 The right to enjoy equal access to free public school education, up to and including Grade 12 graduation, regardless of age or disability. This 16 education should include free access to learning materials and to a wide range of curriculum offerings. , and the responsibility to utilize available learning resources and take advantage of opportunities for growth and development.

4.3 The right to physical environments that are hygienic, safe, conducive to learning and free from barriers to persons with disabilities. ,and the responsibility to refrain from practices that endanger the safety of others

4.4 The right and responsibility to retain their ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage and to be made aware of the ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritage of others.

4.5 The right and responsibility to participate in decisions in accord with the growth of maturity of the student, both as an individual and as part of the group.

4.7 The right to a teacher teaching on call when any the teacher is absent. providing support service to the student is absent (including an administrative officer who may be called away to fulfill administrative duties).

I am uncertain as the rationale is that we don't have the purview to dictate their responsibilities; however, we teach their rights and we teach them responsibilities as members of society.  If we don't have the purview for their responsibilities, do we have the purview for their rights either.  Their rights are Human Rights and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  Any rights we apply beyond that are probably not our rights to impose on school districts.

Recommendation 19    (Support)

That Policy 3.J.01—8.7.1 and 8.7.2, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10, 8.13, and 8.14. be amended as follows:

8.7.1 Ample, up-to-date and good condition print materials to reflect Canadian, Aboriginal and global society and to support instruction and student interest and needs through inquiry and voluntary unleveled free reading selection.

8.7.2 Electronic (digital) capacity, including sufficient outlets, connection hardware and devices and access to a broad spectrum of digital materials and tools free from imposed filtering.

8.8 Fully equipped gymnasium, playgrounds, sports fields and outdoor environmental study areas shall be provided. Fields and equipment maintained and serviced to adhere to safety standards.

8.9 Separate changing, lavatory and shower facilities for boys and girls, including a gender-neutral space, shall be provided to facilitate integrated physical education and sports programs.

8.10 Lavatory facilities for classes including kindergarten, primary, or for disabled students with disabilities shall be provided within the classroom or the building/portable in which the classroom is located.

8.13 Each school shall have a staffroom of at least 84 square metres, equipped with kitchen facilities. Staff shall have access to adult washrooms and shower facilities.

8.14 Each member shall have a workspace with access to personal storage, appropriate teaching, and professional resources, and appropriate supported and maintained technology, including all supporting hardware and components to be provided by the district.

It is great to have a standard we expect and can advocate for.  Knowing my district, they don't respond quickly to expectations; however, the LGBTQ committee has been making progress with the district.

Recommendation 20 Support)

That Policy 3.L.03 and 3.L.05 be amended as follows:

3.L.03 That the federal and provincial governments should provide increased funding to school boards to ensure improved educational opportunities for students with language barriers who come from homes where English is not spoken.

3.L.05 That the BCTF lobby the Ministry of Education to remove the five-year funding cap for ELL ESL and ESD students.

Updating terminology

Resolution 108.    (Support)

That the Annual General Meeting urge the Executive Committee to establish a task force to:

  1. investigate, report findings, and make recommendations on a long-term strategy for achieving a 15 - 20% pay correction" by February 29, 2024.

  2. developing realistic plans for securing competitive salaries, without concessions, that are in the range with those of other provinces and territories and that reflect the high cost of living in BC, and the unique needs of remote, rural, and Indigenous communities in the province.

  3. conduct its work over a two-year period beginning in September 2020 and report its finding to Representative Assemblies and General Meetings

The current context of bargaining imposed on us 30 years ago.  The system doesn't work.  The provincial government created provincial bargaining because the previous system was too successful.  We need to find new ways to be just as successful as before this bargaining paradigm.

My favourite thought comes from a Surrey colleague where we as teachers become active in politics and elect teachers as MLA's.  We absolutely need to work different.

Resolution 109.  (Support an amended motion)

That the following policy be adopted by the BCTF:

Bargaining action plans must be established and communicated to members prior to the expiration of the collective agreement so that they can be circulated at school visits.

I like the concept; however, I think this motion specifically is too prescriptive.  Announcing specific plans such as taking a strike vote 3 months after expiration of the agreement just sets a 'don't bother mindset' for the other side until nearing that time.  I do believe that we could have a public strategy that we promote and share with members in more details.  School visits are valuable, but in my experience many teachers don't want them until a strike is looming.

Resolution 110.  (Support)

That the Federation oppose teachers receiving any financial benefit in exchange for classes that do not meet collective agreement language.

I agree wit the concept.  I agree with not being paid in exchange for bigger classes.  There are already several locals paying one way or another.  There are special cases of retirement or long term leave that also need to be considered.  Perhaps an amendment of 'oppose in principle'.

A caution is that if we agree it is okay for some teachers in ' special circumstances' to be paid, why should other members not have the same options because they may have personal 'special circumstances' that don't meet criteria. 

Resolution 111 (Support)

That the Federation investigate and report back to the 2020 Spring Representative Assembly, on the practices of other public service employers, regarding recognizing the expertise of midwives in relation to the different leaves related to maternity.

This is not an area of expertise.  Our benefits need improvements.  The only reason there would be increased costs to our benefit plan is that our current plan is not being used.  As a result members are paying out of pocket because of a choice to use a midwife instead of a medical doctor.

Resolution 112  (Support)

That the BCTF work with its locals in a timely manner to identify and act on all instances where school districts are not using responsible recruitment & retention strategies; and to identify and act on instances where irresponsible and/or discriminatory recruitment strategies are

contributing to the teacher shortage.

I support the motion; however, in my experience with bargaining, our HR department made it very clear we have no business with their hiring practices.  

Resolution 113  (Likely Support)

That the Federation investigate the bargaining structures in jurisdictions where there is local and provincial bargaining and/or split of issues that can be bargained at each level, and report back, at the 2021, BCTF Annual General Meeting, with recommendations to improve our current local bargaining structures and funding of local tables.

I am uncertain if our goal should be tweaking the existing structure that was imposed to be favourable to the employer.  I am leaning to alternatives that change the paradigm completely.  This could be part of a more comprehensive strategy.  I am sure that someone will ask at the microphone the scope of the expected investigation and projected costs.

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