Recommendation 64 (Likely Support)
That the BCTF is a member-driven union committed to:
1. organizing and mobilizing members.
2. member leadership and engagement ensuring robust democratic decision-making processes.
3. supporting member leadership and fostering member engagement at the school, local, Federation, and community levels.
4. providing many opportunities for members to develop and act on their leadership skills.
5. attending to equity and inclusion in the union and supporting the full involvement of members from equity-seeking groups.
I fully support 1 to 4. I have troubles with making any statement that applies to all followed by a clarifier. The clarifier implies that what follows is not included in all. I absolutely support full involvement of all members. I also fully support full involvement of equity seeking groups. Does this mean we don't want full involvement from all members or only those in equity seeking groups.
Perhaps 5 should be amended to
5. attending to equity and inclusion in the union and supporting full involvement of members. At this time, equity seeking groups have the lowest rate of full involvement so this will be an area of greater focus.
We are already committed to this
25.A.26.4 c. We commit to ensuring that members of equity-seeking groups are welcomed, fully included, and treated equitably and respectfully at all Federation meetings and events. (Nov 16 RA, p. 6)
I am curious to hear further explanation of the language choices and intended impact of the statement.
Recommendation 65 Support)
That a new Procedure 25.A.50, be added as follows: When participating in BCTF meetings and events, all members are expected to act in accordance with a culture of consent and consider their actions, words, and related feedback in order to ensure a safe, respectful environment for all.
Expanding the application of the culture of consent.
Recommendation 66 (Likely Support)
That Procedure 25.H.14—7. be deleted.
As I read the rational, most cases are now covered with the BCTF paying through union leave provisions so members do get paid for days they normally don't work. This would then mean only part time employees that don't also TTOC would not be paid to participate while others participating are being paid.
Recommendation 67 (Support)
That Procedure 25.B.02—4. be amended as follows:
4. That until the investigation of representation is complete and the amalgamated and non-amalgamated locals are treated equally, if for locals amalgamated in or after 1996, the formulae for determining representation and voting cards as set out in Procedures statements 25.B.02 and 25.D.02 shall be applied to the amalgamated local so that it is entitled to the total representation of the former locals as though there had been non amalgamation.
Fixing language
Resolution 156. (Support)
That the Federation increase equity and inclusion by supporting the access of BIPOC members to leadership events such as
I think this is a creative way to provide support to BIPOC members.
My two concern are the use of 'support the access.' and which grants are contemplate. Access is vague and isn't clear. Perhaps an amendment by replacing those words with 'supporting increased attendance/ participation' Budgeting is not as easy as saying the there are funds in SURT grants available since the grants get depleted over the year.
I wonder if it might instead be a strategy for another iteration with goals similar to Women in Negotiations that aims to specifically support BIPOC members. This would allow for a known budget and no situation where, 'There is no more money to make this happen.' As an RA we set the budget. I believe if it is important, we include specific budget lines.
Maybe an amendment by substitution like:
That the Federation increase equity and inclusion by supporting BIPOC members through the creation of BIPOC in Leadership with training events and attending leadership events such as Executive Committee meetings, FLI, Rep Assemblies, and Zone Meetings and that for the 2019/2020 year funding coming from expected unused amounts in __________ grants
Resolution157. (Likely Support)
That the BCTF encourage all locals to have release time designated for their local contact for Aboriginal Education.
I believe we need to continue the work of building leadership in Aboriginal Education and the work of Indigenizing or deColonizing is work.
My concern is around governance and funding. As the BCTF, we navigate decisions of the BCTF. Downloading costs and work by 'encouraging' locals is questionable to the autonomy of the local how it grows and changes. If the BCTF is encouraging or recommending, then perhaps there needs to be funding to be the encouragement.
Resolution 158 (Uncertain)
That the Federation investigate holding one Representative Assembly a year outside the Lower Mainland.
I am not sure how much investigation is needed. In its current form there are limited venues to host an RA. With goals of increasing representation at the RA, that could increase the numbers attending and reduce venue options. Preliminary investigations have been done and cost guestimates made.
If passed, this would also need to be set for a date far enough in the future to not lose deposits on existing bookings.
Rather than investigate, if we want this to happen, the motion should be:
That the Federation hold the ________- RA outside of the Lower Mainland in 20__.
If we don't agree with it in principle, then don't spend the money doing further investigations.
Another consideration, even if this motion is defeated, is what are the intentions of the motion and can those intentions be honoured through a different method.
Resolution 159 (Likely Support)
That if Federation committee meetings or other Federation organizational structures meet on days when members of that committee have a district scheduled Pro-D day, that the Federation release the member on another day to pursue their Professional Development goals.
This has affected me previously. There are many iterations where members volunteering are not treated the same. In the past, when a member only worked 4 days a week, they were expected to volunteer on their day off if doing BCTF business. When a ProD day lands on BCTF business, one is expected to choose to volunteer or participate in ProD
I'm curious how 'district scheduled ProD day' would be interpreted. If the district has a schedule with Summer ProD days, do they apply? If it is a school scheduled Pro-D day, does that apply. If a member did a summer ProD that turned a district day into an in lieu day, would they either get another ProD day or paid in lieu?
Resolution 160. (Likely Support)
That Procedure 25.M.02 be amended to add: 1.h. a local political action contact.
The original language reads: 25.M.U-1. That the Federation zone meeting structure include the following minimum representation from locals :
a. the president of each local and sublocal;
b. the bargaining chairperson for each local;
c. the professional development chairperson for each local;
d. a social justice contact for each local;
e. a health and safety representative for each local;
f. a teacher teaching on call representative for each local;
g. a local contact forAboriginal education;
h. a local political action contact.
I agree with increasing our political action; however, adding representation for each local expands inequity of representation. While I agree in concept, I am concerned about exasperating inequity of member access to be an activist (and network with other activists at a zone meeting) based on the size of your local.
A local with 323 members is eligible with this change to have 8 members. That is 1 representative for 40 members
A local with 1140 members would be eligible to have 8 members + 1 additional. That is 1 representative for 127 members
A local with 1977 members would be eligible to have 8 members + 2 additional. That is 1 representative for 197 members.
Motions have been brought to the RA to increase representation for larger locals as they have more members thus more activists and they have not passed. Consider that a local with 1 MLA would be represented with 1 Political Action Contact and a riding with 9 MLA's would have that same single delegate responsible to facilitate action in 9 ridings.
Resolution 161 (Support)
That the Federation establish a mentorship program for early-career teachers.
I support mentorship. I mentored with SFU's TLITE program for 10 years and teachers paid for their own mentoring but at least did so with a pay raise in the future.
I wonder if mentoring programs should be funded exclusively by HR to invest in their employees.
BCTF mentorship would be instead on leadership and activism.
I acknowledge the challenges for early career teachers and the newer dynamic since I was an early career teacher. My wondering is not if there should be mentoring but who should pay for it. (and if we can't convince the districts to take responsibility, perhaps we need to take it on.)
Resolution162. (Support)
That the Federation's Mobilization School Union Representative Training (SURT) be updated and offered at least one full year prior to the expiration of the collective agreement, and
1. That at least two members of each local be trained in presenting the newly created or updated Mobilization SURT one year prior to the expiration of the collective agreement, with a focus on presenting to members in their local.
2. That a budgeting priority for the Federation in the year prior to the expiration of the collective agreement include plans for offering this SURT locally or regionally as requested or needed.
Members need to be activated way earlier. One of the worst parts of our 6 year agreement is that is lasted 6 years. We were lulled into believing that calm is normal. Management rights are never given away freely. We need to keep up the fight. Having this SURT active earlier will train up our membership to be prepared better to implement bargaining strategies effectively.
Resolution163. (Support)
That the BCTF investigate incorporating Indigenous ways of running a meeting, and report back to the January 2021 Representative Assembly with regards to the possibility of suspending the Rules of Order for a period during BCTF meetings.
I prefer that this be planned an incorporated rather than having a chair make a ruling. The chairperson role is to run the meeting following the rules of order. If there is to be a time with the rules suspended it may make sense to not have a chairperson active in that portion.
Resolution 164 (Likely Support)
That the AGM urge the Executive Committee set up a task force to undertake a comprehensive investigation of the technological issues in locals and make a report with recommendations to the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
I want to make sure all locals are supported. I am not sure that a task force is the solution. A survey could be done quickly to canvass the issues. Examining the data from the survey would provide some direction. I don't hold much hope for change from a benevolent system, As technology is Ministry (MyEd) and District (hardware, platform) unless we make it a bargaining objective, the district and the ministry is going to spend the money the way they see it.
Resolution 165. (Uncertain)
That the Federation provide a meatless menu at Ieast once per year for the groups or committees that meet multiple times in a year.
I don't have a problem having a meatless meal but I know have challenging catering can be. Navigating preferences and allergies is hard for staff to deal with already.
Resolution 166. (Support)
That the BCTF create an ongoing training program to educate union leaders on how to effectively encourage greater participation by members of equity-seeking groups in union leadership.
This may be amendments to 156 instead of its own motion.
Resolution 167.(Uncertain)
That the BCTF encourage all locals to have release time designated for their local TTOC contact.
I believe we need to continue supporting our TTOCs.
My concern is around governance and funding. As the BCTF, we navigate decisions of the BCTF. Downloading costs and work by 'encouraging' locals is questionable to the autonomy of the local how it grows and changes. If the BCTF is encouraging or recommending, then perhaps there needs to be funding associated to be the encouragement.
Resolution 168 (Uncertain)
That the BCTF create a task force to create a vision for secondary education in British Columbia.
I agree with there being a vision; I don't know if there is consensus of what secondary education is really for. There are mixed messages and I am not sure that a BCTF vision will be heard by either the public or government. There are agendas in the public mindset other than education as empower students for happy healthy lives.
Resolution169. (Uncertain)
That the Annual General Meeting urge the Executive Committee to:
1. create a separate, well-funded, environmental justice action committee with a key portfolio, to prepare for the climate crisis that has become all to real and present.
2. remove the current environmental justice component from the responsibility of the Committee for Action on Social Justice.
Budgeting is generally done by the RA. Creating a well-funded committee implies there are poorly funded committees and this one be funded better than others. We have many activists with many passions. While I understand the urgency for climate actions, we also have other urgent matters to other members
I started my activism just after discrete committees were eliminated and I know the pain committees felt being all under one umbrella with less funding at their disposal. I have only known the current structure to move social justice forward; however, I have been told that one reason for combining them under one umbrella was the disproportionate support for some areas.
I would support instead a referral to CASJ to examine how or if the CASJ structure and funding model should continue or be adapted.
Resolution 170. (Support)
That all chairpersons for BCTF meetings undergo mandatory anti-oppression training.
Training is provided to AGM and RA chairpersons already. Having it in official policy is a good way to ensure that it continues.
Resolution 171. (Uncertain - needs amendment)
That all mentions of "ESL" in the BCTF Members' Guide be updated to "ELL."
This occurs 45 times in the Members guide. In some cases as ESL/ESD and others ESL learners (which should also delete 'learners'. A possible amendment may include 'as appropriate'