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Recommendation 68  (Support)   

That Policy 26.A.01 be amended as follows: A. Pension goal That the goal be the attainment of a pension plan that is fully funded, jointly trusteed, service based, fully indexed, and maintains the relative economic status of members of the pension plan and/or their designated beneficiaries’ beneficiary(ies) following retirement, disability, or death.

(remainder not copied here)

Updates make sense with changes to our plan currently.

Resolutions 172.  (Support)   

That the Federation reps to the Teachers' Pension Board work with the Board's Trustees to divest from fossil fuel holdings.

Creating a plan to divest is appropriate.  This motion does not set us up to divest at a loss, but allows for planning to minimize impacts and replace those investments with other high performing ones.  

Resolution 173.  (Likely Support)   

That the Federation amend Policy 26.A.06 to read: "That there be a report from a Federation appointed member on the Teachers' Pension Board of Trustees on every Annual General Meeting agenda and once per year at a Representative Assembly.

Currently reads:

26.A.06—That there be a report from a BCTF-appointed member on the Teachers Pension Board of Trustees on every RA and AGM agenda. (Nov. 01 Ex, p. 6) (March 08 Ex, p. 8)

My concern would be having an agenda for meetings filled with so many reports that the required or timely business no longer be feasible.  One report is not a problem, but in recent years we are adding more prescriptive expectations of the agendas at meetings.

Resolution 174.  (Likely Support)   

That, we request the TPP (Teachers' Pension Plan-BCIMC) to divest from the corporations involved in U.S. private prisons and immigrant detention.

It just makes sense. 

I know when we divested from tobacco, that it was challenging to identify what tobacco included.  (Does a corner store that sells cigarettes also get included.)  So for prisons, does this include the laundry supplier, food supplier, catering if contracted out, etc.

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