Recommendation 21 (Support)
That Policy 8.A.51 be replaced with the following: That:
1. all K–12 educational programs be provided to all students at no cost.
2. all students have a clear path to graduation, free of fees.
3. the provincial government must fully fund the public education system.
4. the provincial government withdraw funding from all private schools and apply that funding to public education.
5. the provincial government put a moratorium on the charging of any school fees.
We are making a clear belief statement.
Recommendation 22 (Support)
That the Executive Committee recommend to the Annual General Meeting that the Basic Principles used as a preamble in the Education Finance section of the Members’ Guide be deleted, and that a new policy be adopted as follows: That the system for funding public education in British Columbia be based on these principles:
1. Funding levels from the province must meet the educational needs of all the province's students and be targeted accordingly.
2. Funding levels from the province and the taxation system must enable school districts to be able to meet the Mandate for Education under the Statement of Education Policy Order.
3. Equity in educational opportunity for all students, in all school districts, is crucial.
4. Acknowledgement of the benefits of a quality public school system to all residents of the province and to the nation as a whole.
5. Education-business partnerships and other revenue-generating activities by school districts should not be established to compensate for inadequate funding of education.
We are making a clear belief statement.
Recommendation 23 (Likely Support)
That Policy 8.A.55 be replaced with the following:
That costs incurred by a post-secondary student for their studies should be deductible for income tax purposes by that student and/or their parents.
We are making a clear belief statement; however, I am not sure of the intent beyond the current taxible deductions for students and parents
Recommendation 24 (Support)
That Procedure 8.A.04 be replaced with the following:
That the BCTF continue to advocate for improved and targeted grants from the Ministry of Education to school boards for students with special needs, and for mechanisms to ensure that all of these grants are used for the ongoing support of assessment, designation, and inclusion of students in schools.
We may want to amend to change special needs to be diverse needs to follow Recommendation 16 proposed change of language.
I believe our best chance of success would be to develop a comprehensive strategy and advertise it to the public with a question to the government - Are you ready to make these investments in our future?
Resolution 119. (Support)
That the BCTF petition the provincial government to ensure all school meal programs are locally and culturally relevant.
Resolution120. (Support)
That the Federation encourage the Ministry of Education to provide adequate and sustainable funding for environmental education opportunities, including school gardens.
Resolution121. (Support)
That the BCTF engage in an email campaign directed to MLAs to request that the government stop subsidizing private schools.
Resolution122. (Support)
That the Federation encourage the provincial government to support and fund districts in providing outdoor education opportunities, including school gardens, to all students.
Resolution123. (Support)
That the BCTF demand the Ministry of Education direct districts to provide enough targeted funding to address class size and composition and workload pressures arising from international students enrolled via for-profit school district corporations.
Resolution124. (Support)
That the BCTF petition the provincial government to establish a provincially regulated and funded breakfast program for all public school students.
Resolution125. (Support)
That the BCTF Executive Committee petition the Provincial government to establish a provincially regulated and funded lunch program for all public school students.
Resolution126. (Support)
That the BCTF petition the provincial government to ensure all school meal programs reflect the food and nutrition recommendations of Health Canada.
Resolution127. (Support)
That the BCTF insist that the Ministry of Education designate funding to school districts to provide resources, including technology, for the redesigned curriculum.
Resolution 128. (Uncertain)
That the BCTF launch a social media campaign regarding equitable distribution of capital funding in school districts across the province.
I think this motion may have unintended consequences.
It really depends on how Equitable is interpreted. Equitable funding could actually be funding Surrey for years and no other districts. No district has the problem with overcrowding with over 377 portables like Surrey does. Even with a class average of 25 students, that equates to 9425 students learning in temporary buildings. This doesn't include over 1000 new students per year or another high school every year. We also have old schools that need replacement (as does the rest of the province)
In this scenario equal would be 13.6% of the funding going to Surrey for capital projects. Equitable would be a lot more as over 10% of our students are living in sub standard conditions.
Equitable could also be consider proportionate. If that was the case, then some districts may not receive enough funding to complete capital projects