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I bring unique voice and qualities to the BCTF Executive.  The purpose of Members at Large is to have active members bring voice of members and locals.  I bring UNIQUE QUALITIES as a Member at Large.


I believe the universal truth that all members are created equal as unique intrinsically valuable folx. We need to advocate for the needs of every member and the value they bring to our collective membership.


We all struggle.  I am a listener.  I see strengths and support people.  Ten of my favourite years working with colleagues was as a Mentor for SFU and the TLITE program.

Inclusive Opportunity

Every single member of the BCTF is intrinsically valued as a integral part of our union.  We need to expand the ways we are inclusive and careful not to build barriers of exclusion at the same time.

Questions  - Ask the hard ones

It is important that we aren't afraid to have deep open discussions and debate.  There needs to be space to ask hard questions without judgement.  Every action has both intended and unintended consequences.  If we acknowledge them both we can make informed decisions.

Union Solidarity

The BCTF is 45000 members strong.  Our strength is our unity.  We are each unique, with different roles and experiences; however, I believe we stand in solidarity with many of the same core beliefs that

- every member is intrinsically valuable

- every student is intrinsically valuable

- we want to continue improving our salary, working and learning conditions

- we want what is best for our family

- we want the best life success for every student and teacher we work with.

Exploring Multiple Options

I have a unique ability to see situations from many perspectives.  I am able to examine the short, medium, and long term impact of our decision making.  A tool working with students is considering Future Glasses.  They can look at what we want for the future, then work backwards to how we can make that a reality.

Quick Thinking

The context of teaching BC is continually evolving.  We need to be able to analyze the situation and respond quickly.  We don't need to react quickly; however, we need to decide if and how we are going to react.  

Up beat

There are so many thing that drag down the morale of teachers, we need to be able to celebrate and life each other up.  I maintain a positive spirit and outlook through the most challenging situations.  There is so much great work being done in locals to engage members.  We need to acknowledge the work, celebrate the work and hopefully support locals in continuing to enhance the lives of their members. 


There are so many needs for our members.  All members need to be treated and recognized to their value.  Equity seeking groups need targeted advocacy to ensure that human rights are lifted.  We also have the intensive needs teachers struggling with the workload, working conditions and safety.  We also need to continue the general advocacy for raising the profile of education for democracy, wages, and working conditions.


I am able to listen clearly to multiple perspective and integrate ideas toward further discussion.  I am comfortable to listen and process before providing my perspective.


I have taught for 25 years in public education.  I started teaching when I was 12 with Sunday School, then sailing, then Sea Cadets, then forest education, then lifeguarding, then within public schools.  Teaching is in my DNA.  I plan to continue teaching and I want the best future for my children and for society.  Union activism has been as deep an investment in my life for the last 20 years as well.  I got involved knowing that I have to make a difference.


It is very important to me to have high integrity.  That means I need to do what I say and say what I do.  I have created this site so that you know how I would vote (prior to any new information during debate).  Being transparent is very important to my identity.


As a result of being invested, I am also highly involved.  I have served and continue to serve on many committees.  Within committees I often take on the leadership and work roles.  I understand that not everyone has the ability to commit as much time and energy as I do.

Equity / Equality

There are many perspectives on what needs to be done and how to do it.   

I believe that every single person is intrinsically valuable and our work is to

ensure that intrinsic value translates to reality for all.  I am coming to prefer

considerations that look at Inclusion as the model not equity, or equality.  

Original source unknown. I accessed the image here


I do not need to take the lead and will often hold back waiting for others to step up.  Knowing that one won't be abandoned, when people take on new roles and responsibilities allows greater freedom to step beyond their previous comfort.

Inclusion from Facebook.jpg

An Alphabet of Descriptors

Sometimes it is hard to reduce all of ones thoughts to summarize as a platform.... so I tried expanding instead

  • Advocate and Ally

  • Builder and Backer

  • Compassionate Colleague

  • Dedicated Doer

  • Experienced Explorer

  • Family Friend

  • Growth Minded

  • Helper

  • Innovative

  • Just

  • Keen

  • Lifelong Learner

  • Motivated and Maker

  • Now

  • Open

  • Passionate Partner

  • Questioner

  • Rigorous

  • Striving

  • Teaching

  • Universal Access

  • Visioning

  • Welcoming

  • Xyresic

  • Yes and 

  • Zealous

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