Resolution 180. (Likely Not-Support)
That the Simplified Rules of Order, Part 5o Principles of parliamentary procedure (page 171) be amended as follows: One of the main responsibilities of the chairperson is to use their authority to ensure that all people attending a meeting are treated equally equitably.
I understand the desire and intention; however, having done the chairperson role, I see too many problems created in attempting to solve others.
Before I would support the motion, I would like to know
equitably in whose eyes
does equitably allow for varying speaking order
does equitably allow for the chair to vary standing rules at their discretion
would members self identify - I want equitable treatment so I want to speak longer
how would chairpersons determine who is from an equity seeking group
are BIPOC members treated differently than women?
how does a chairperson know how a member identifies?
Instead, if we want members treated differently to be equitable, I don't think that decision is made in the moment by the chairperson. Change the structures and the standing rules.
If a motion relates to people of colour and the meeting wants to hear from more members of colour, then we either suspend the standing rules of order with this motion, or create a policy that would be able to be applied fairly.
If a motion affects the LGBTQ2S+ community directly, do we invite those members to speak before allies are allowed to enter the dialogue?
I support open, inclusive, and safe meetings. I believe this would actually be more unsafe for members to speak as they may have to publicly identify when they are not comfortable doing so. If the chair said we want to hear from people of colour first so please allow the next person to speak before you, and that person identifies as a person of colour ....
While I generally don't like task forces to be created, this would be a sensible one to examine our meeting practices and make a comprehensive revision plan.