Recommendation 61 (Support)
That Procedure 15.02 be amended as follows:
That all locals be encouraged to hold an annual welcoming social or other informal event for new members and provide a copy of the BCTF Code of Ethics to members in attendance shall hold annual induction ceremonies, preferably early in the new school year. All new contract teachers and new teachers on call shall be inducted into the teaching profession. All new teachers shall accept the BCTF Code of Ethics. If an individual is unable to attend the induction ceremony, other arrangements shall be made for their acceptance of the Code of Ethics.
Creating a new welcoming environment instead of a potentially weird feeling ceremony
Recommendation 62 (Likely Support)
That Procedure 15.04 be amended as follows: That all locals be encouraged to have an Executive Committee member responsible for engagement shall have a member responsible for induction ceremonies and initiation of new members.
I agree with encouraging locals; however, downloading expectations is treading on locals autonomy.
While this motion is better than the original, I don't know if I agree with the original, even though we do need someone to take the lead on engaging new members.
Recommendation 63 (Support)
That Procedure 15.06 be amended as follows:
That locals shall make certain that each new member contract teacher and new teachers on call receives a copy of the BCTF Code of Ethics, and notification of membership in the BCTF.
Resolution 155. (Support)
That the Federation establish the Connie Jervis Early Career Teacher award, such award to be granted to BCTF member(s) in their first 10 years of their career, who have made an outstanding and sustained contribution to the pursuit of BCTF goals for public education and BCTF members, and that the Executive Committee determine the process for the call for nominations and the deadlines.
I totally agree with recognizing outstanding and sustained contributions.
I am a little uncertain about the criteria and rationale of first 10 years of a career. I am not sure the difference of recognizing a younger member starting in teaching and being an effective activist, an older teacher who is already an activist in the community that starts teaching, or a teacher who hasn't been activated by the union in their first 10 years but is an outstanding activist in the next 10 years. I wonder if this would also favour members from larger schools or larger districts.